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Nick Leeson nació en en Watford, una pequeña ciudad situada al como de Barings (la cuenta se creó inicialmente para. LA Cuenta Secreta de Nick Leeson en - ISBN - ISBN - Sudamericana - - Tapa blanda. la cuenta secreta de Leeson, Nick y una gran selección de libros, arte y artículos de colección disponible en

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La familia Baring vive tanto en Alemania como Inglaterra. Barings tuvo una larga historia. Enfinanció la adquisición de Luisianaa pesar de que Gran Bretaña estaba en guerra con Franciay de que la venta tuvo como efecto el financiamiento del esfuerzo de guerra de Napoleón.

Los descendientes de las primeras cinco ramas masculinas de la familia Baring fueron todos nombrados para la nobleza con los títulos de Lord Revelstoke, Conde de Northbrook, Lord Ashburton, Lord Howick de Glendale y Conde de Cromer. Las actividades del Banco Barings en Singapur entre y permitieron a Nick Leeson operar efectivamente sin supervisión del Banco Barings en Londres.

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Esto colocó a Leeson en la posición de presentar informes a una oficina dentro del Banco Barings que él mismo administraba. Por la ausencia de supervisión, Leeson fue capaz de hacer aparentemente pequeñas apuestas en el mercado de futuros y cubrir sus pérdidas al reportar pérdidas como ganancias al Barings en Londres.

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Leeson alega que las pérdidas comenzaron cuando una de sus colegas compró contratos cuando debería de haberlos vendido. Usando la "cuenta de los cinco ochos" oculta, Leeson comenzó a comerciar agresivamente en futuros y opciones en el SIMEX. Sus decisiones provocaban pérdidas de grandes sumas, pero él usaba dinero confiado al banco por subsidiarias para el uso en sus propias cuentas.

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En total perdió unos millones de libras millones de pesosel doble del capital disponible del banco. Intentó huir, pero tampoco tuvo éxito.

Nick Leeson era un trabajador de Back Office en el Banco Barings de Nick Leeson enviaba todas las malas operaciones a la cuenta Nick Leeson entró a formar parte de la leyenda negra del mundo de las Abrió una cuenta secreta, la famosa , en la que escondió.

Para entonces mi foto estaba en cada primera plana y en cada pantalla de cada aeropuerto. Y el banco fue adquirido por la financiera holandesa ING Cuando Leeson creía que lo había perdido todo, la vida le demostró que siempre se puede estar peor. Su esposa, que había comenzado a trabajar como azafata para poder visitarlo seguido, lo dejó después de que él mismo reveló, en una autobiografía publicada en -"Rogue Trader"- que le había sido infiel con geishas.

De todos modos, sin hogar y sin trabajo, Leeson no dudó en volver a invertir.

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Esta vez, en su fama. No le fue tan mal. Cuando quedó libre, en -su condena fue rebajada por buena conducta- fue recibido como una estrella en Inglaterra.

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Su esposa, que había comenzado a trabajar como azafata para poder visitarlo seguido, lo dejó después de que él mismo reveló, en una autobiografía publicada en -"Rogue Trader"- que le había sido infiel con geishas. De todos modos, sin hogar y sin trabajo, Leeson no dudó en volver a invertir. Esta vez, en su fama. No le fue tan mal.

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Cuando quedó libre, en -su condena fue rebajada por buena conducta- fue recibido como una estrella en Inglaterra. Cientos de periodistas y curiosos colapsaron el aeropuerto de Londres para verlo. Una película basada en su autobiografía, protagonizada por el conocido actor Ewan Mc Gregor, fue estrenada en Por otra parte, hoy gana importantes sumas -entre y libras En total, factura al año entre Sin embargo, una década después de haber tenido en sus manos el destino de millones de dólares, su vida actual es bastante diferente.

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Encuentro Mujer En El 23 De Agosto

Encuentro 18 de agosto - Andrade is with Nicolás Pereira. . Las protestas y manifestaciones que iniciaron ese 23 de febrero condujeron a la caída del. CÁCERES ACOGE ESTE SÁBADO EL I ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE EXTREMADURA POR EL CICLISMO FEMENINO. 23 DE AGOSTO DE XV Encuentro. Participación de la mujer en la ciencia. Fecha: 23 al 25 de mayo Fecha: 27 de agosto al 1 de septiembre

Día de Acción Global por el acceso al Aborto Legal y Seguro conocido también como el Día por la Despenalización y Legalización del Aborto se celebra el 28 de septiembre de cada año convocada por los grupos de mujeres y el movimiento feminista para exigir a sus gobiernos despenalizar el aborto y facilitar el acceso al aborto con el objetivo de evitar que millones de mujeres en el mundo sigan muriendo por practicarse abortos inseguros.

También se decidió lanzar una campaña denunciando la mortalidad y la morbilidad materna.

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La propuesta del día fue presentada por la delegación brasileña en conmemoración del 28 de septiembre de día en que se promulgó encuentro mujer en el 23 de agosto Brasil la Ley de Libertad de Vientres por la que se consideró libres a todos los hijos e hijas nacidos de mujeres esclavas nacidos a partir de ese día de aprobación de la ley.

En España las organizaciones de mujeres eligieron el 28 de septiembre para reivindicar un cambio en la ley del aborto que finalmente se logró y posteriormente como jornada de lucha para evitar una modificación y recortes en la misma. Se denunció especialmente el fallecimiento en Dominicana de Rosaura Almonte, conocida como Esperancitaadolescente embarazada a quien el Estado dominicano negó el aborto terapéutico que requería con urgencia, puesto que sufría leucemia.

Aumenta la participación internacional. La organización francesa Osez le féminisme lanza la campaña de recogida de firmas dirigida al Secretario General de la ONU para pedir el reconocimiento del derecho al aborto como derecho universal.

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Campaña de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil con una petición al Parlamento Europeo para garantizar el respeto a las normas en materia de derechos humanos en el tema del derecho al aborto seguro y legal. De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. Véase también: Aborto inseguro.

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Hablando suavemente, le explicó que su esposo estaba muy enfermo y no podía trabajar, necesitaba comida. El abarrotero, se negó a ayudarla. Un cliente que estaba escuchando, le dijo al tendero que él pagaría lo que necesitaba la mujer para su familia. El abarrotero le preguntó de mala gana a Luisa si traía una lista. Ella sacó un papel y escribió, al ponerlo sobre la balanza, el plato bajo hasta el mostrador.

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Luisa le dio las gracias y salió de la tienda. El cliente pagó y después el tendero descubrió que la balanza estaba rota. Langkau ke.

Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres

Bahagian-bahagian di halaman ini. Desde el Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres se busca, principalmente y a grandes rasgos, la Emancipación de la mujer. De esta manera se fue conformando el Movimiento de Mujeres en Argentina, que desde la especificidad de género, expresa su quehacer político con características propias:.

Encuentro de Mujeres y Pueblos de las Américas contra la Militarización

Siguiendo con la original metodología implementada en el Foro de ONG de Nairobi, propusieron un temario para los talleres, que podía ser ampliado con las propuestas de las participantes.

El eje central del encuentro fue la situación actual de la mujer en Argentina y las estrategias para el cambio, analizado desde los distintos aspectos: Identidad, violencia, educación, medios de comunicación, participación política, sexualidad, trabajo, familia, tiempo libre, aislamiento y comunicación, utilización del cuerpo de la mujer.

Participaron de este Encuentro mujeres de la mayoría de las provincias argentinas. Se presentaron videos y audiovisuales, paneles y trabajos de investigación.

El Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres (ENM) es un movimiento cooperativo que se realiza El eje central del encuentro fue la situación actual de la mujer en Argentina y las estrategias para el cambio, El IV Encuentro Nacional se realiza en Rosario en el mes de agosto de . Consultado el 23 de noviembre de un nuevo reto para tu vida del 23 al 25 de agosto. Abren convocatoria para “ Encuentro mujer libre”. 21 · AGO · Redacción Reporte Diario.

Se compartieron empanadas, vino y comidas, charlas en los pasillos y café, lo que colaboró para que todas nos conociéramos y compartiéramos experiencias de trabajo y de vida con mujeres de todo el país. Esta experiencia fue tan positiva que surgió la propuesta de seguir realizando anualmente los encuentros en otros lugares.

Se eligió en el plenario final la sede del próximo, que se realizaría en la ciudad de Córdoba y se leyeron las conclusiones de los talleres, estas expresaron la diversidad y multiplicidad de experiencias, ideas y opiniones, nuestras discrepancias y acuerdos, propios de un movimiento social. La organización estuvo a cargo de una comisión de esa ciudad, sentando encuentro mujer en el 23 de agosto un principio que habría de cumplirse en todos los encuentros posteriores: cada lugar elegido como sede debía autónomamente organizarlo.

Día de Acción Global por un aborto legal y seguro

Participaron en el mismo, alrededor de mujeres. Se agregaron algunos temas tales como: tercera edad, adolescencia y juventud, mujer joven. Se realizó en el mes de junio dey contó con la presencia de mujeres de todo el país. El resultado de este cambio no fue muy satisfactorio, demasiados temas no podían ser tratados en tan poco tiempo.

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The other reviews don't lie or exaggerate! It was WAY better than staying in a tiny shared apartment in the city or an over priced hotel! Sergio nos atendió muy bien y el cuarto excelente. Es acogedor y limpio. Dentro del departamento, Sergio fue muy amable durante nuestra estancia.

Spartanisch, kleines, aber ausreichendes Zimmer. Man sollte sich bewusst sein, dass weitere AirBnB-Doppelzimmer in der Wohnung vermietet werden und man eher das Gefühl von einem Hostels hat. Die Bäder wurden leider weder vor noch während des Aufenthalts gesäubert.

Zeitnahe Antworten während des Aufenthaltes waren leider vom Host nicht gegeben. Die Wohnung ist verkehrstechnisch gut angebunden. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten sind fussläufig erreichbar und der Central Park ist für Morgenläufe sehr schnell zu erreichen. Judith fue muy amable con nosotros.

Coincidio con nustro aniversario de boda y nos sorprendio con unas preciosas flores. Los desayunos fueron muy cuidados. Gracias Judith singles de union city nj schools tu acogida, eres una gran anfitriona. We have just been staying for one night and for this it was great. We have been six people and had the three rooms. Two singles de union city nj schools them with bath and the last one had a bunk bed, as it was the children's room perhaps not the best option for tall people.

Judith is a great host and really cares, e. Conveniently located and easily accessible. They could not be better hosts and were very quick to respond and were extremely hospitable. Judith is a Perfect singles de union city nj schools. She is very attentionned to our comfort in the studio.

The location is Perfect. Near of many attractions. It is a very good place to discover NYC. I must begin with saying that we had quite a borderline idea of travelling to NYC on an overseas trip with two small children 0 and 3 years of ageso our review must be put in that context.

Our room was crammed for four people but that was due to our budget and because we wanted to be in Manhattan. In this respect, the house is perfectly located, since you can walk to Central Park and museums and even to midtown Manhattan. The metro is extremely close and will take you to lower Manhattan in 20 minutes or so. Finally, you are still within reach of shops and quality restaurants Tre Otto and Sarabeth's on Madisonwhich was key for us to enjoy a relatively quiet evening.

The hosts were welcoming and, even though we didnt intrude, we felt they were ready to help at our slightest hint. They were understanding with letting me use the unoccupied back room to wander around to soothe our baby.

The room was nice with a very comfortable bathroom and shower. I felt some of the furniture old TV set could be put away to allow for some more space, but, again, that was due to us being too many. The room overlooking the street the one we had suffers from being close to the railway, even though the neighborhood per se is reasonably quiet.

I must say that didnt bother us too much, but be aware if you're a light sleeper. The room in the back singles de union city nj schools, from direct experience, definitely quieter. Prearranged breakfasts are always risky, I must say that the choice was limited but with quality items.

Not all of them were replaced during our stay, I must say, and, if they were, with different items from the ones we apparently liked e.

We should have probably asked for particular items or replacements, mind you, and we would have probably got everything in no time, so it was probably within our attitude problem.

In general, I do recommend Judith's place for a family stay. If the place survived us, it can survive anybody! The location of the property was fine. Central park a few moment walk away. Times square about a 45mins pleasant walk through the park.

The property was also fine, however, the room was a little crammed for 3 persons. The extra bed was really in the way. The hosts were very pleasant and even provided some basic breakfast goodies and the newspaper.

My visit to NY City and one of the loveliest visits by His Grace and hosts along with hostesses help. The house was just as large, just as clean and just as beautiful in the site or as more with thrown ins of lovely old dig, family like warmth and lodes of apt advice. Beatrice tracked us prior to our leaving the country, spoke to us and guided us right through JFK to the property. She was their in the house to recive us, guide us and train us on the appliances. The house was a pleasure to live in.

Her WIFI was ver y effective and so were her inputs on gift shops, taxis, and sundry. She even adviced us on basics of safety tips for females in big cities just like a sister would. Even while check out, she asked us to vacate by evening, if required. May I say more. Remain blessed Beatrice and Bob. Beatrice was so welcoming! I would definitely come again. Her house is an ideal New York brownstone - not to mention the appeal of Harlem. Wonderful hardwood floors, large airy spacious rooms, nice amenities - I really felt like I was staying in a historic home - right out of the Harlem Singles de union city nj schools.

Indeed, the amenities were exactly as she described them. And how I love the neighborhood of Harlem - central, easy to get to, and with such character! I look forward to coming again! Diane is the best host ever! Her house is extremely stunning! You won't regret staying here! Diane place was very beautifully decorated. We were ungraded to a suite room which has a very nice Jacuzzi, very relaxing after a long day. Diane was very helpful and attentive. She cooked delicious breakfast for us.

Just not so close to Downtown if you are looking at more shopping and eating places. Diane is a really nice person, she gave us a lot of suggestions about where to visit and what to eat.

The room is awesome, well decorated in a old fashion style. I would definitely recommend you to try the bathtub, best bathtub I've ever know. Will choose this room again once I go uptown New York. Really, really stylish space - full of charm and character Diane included.

Internet wasn't wonderful, but Diane was in the process of solving that. Diane was always really accommodating, and she made sure we had a lovely stay. We'd head to Harlem again, and we'd pounce on Diane's place if it were available.

Thanks for being such singles de union city nj schools lovely host, Diane! Check out Sushi Inoue if you're up this way - not cheap, but one of the nicest Japanese meals we've ever had.

Super stylish room, and Diane is so friendly and good at cooking,really enjoyed her house and this trip,highly recommend for a vacation and traveling. Our stay at the Northern Lights Mansion was lovely! Diane is kind and extremely helpful at navigating the city. The accommodations were clean and singles de union city nj schools.

Diane is an awesome host - her hospitality, eagerness to help her guests and make your stay both comfortable and fun is awesome. Jacuzzi experience was an icing on the cake.

Tuvimos que adaptarnos ya que no teníamos otra opción. Tener en cuenta las politicas del equipaje, solo 1 maleta es permitida. This place is in an amazing location in NYC and comes with a price that is hard to beat, even when compared to hostels in the area.

Within a thirty minute walk radius, I could easily get to central park, flatiron building, grand central, times square and many other attractions. The street it is on felt safe at all hours. The place itself was very clean and the space was exactly as shown. We had no issues with the room or the toilets. Even though it was a shared room for five, my friend and and I had no issues with privacy.

I only met Kate during my stay and she was really great at making sure that I was comfortable and felt safe for my entire trip, which I especially appreciated as a solo traveler. She replied very quickly and consistently checked into ensure there was no issues.

Overall, it was an excellent experience and I would definitely recommend this place to anyone who wants to do some sightseeing in Manhattan.

Merci pour le séjour! Le logement est conforme aux photos et donc aux attentes. L'emplacement est plus que parfait et m'a permis d'oublier complètement mon regret que je n'avais pas accès à un cuisine mais juste frigo, micro-onde, thé, café.

Cela ne m'a finalement pas du tout dérangé, qui plus est cela était bien indiqué dans l'annonce. Merci pour l'accueil chaleureux et bonne continuation. Check in was amazingly simple, easy singles de union city nj schools communicate with, very clean, and nice place close to all the main spots in Astoria. Only issue I had was the heat in the room - it was just way too hot. Even when opening the window on a 45 degree night it just didnt cool the room enough to compensate for such a hot room.

Host nicely did offer to switch to an alternative room though. Great location, easy place to be. Hostess was super sweet and great to talk to. Steven was very easy to contact and responded very quickly and Joanna was very hospitable and friendly. Great location 3min walking from the N or W train!

Thank you for making my stay so comfortable! This location is clean and spacious. It is also quiet. The bed was very comfortable. Our hostess was very considerate. My second time at this place. Close to the subway and many shops and restaurants.

Maria,your Husband and your Mother are amazing hostes. They are so friendly and got me all support that i needed during my stay in their homes. The space was perfect for what we required, which was basically a place to sleep and shower. The only negative points for me were that the bathroom and shower could have used a thorough cleaning and we felt like we had to walk on eggshells so as not to disturb the permanent resident in the space.

First things first, the room looked nothing like the listing, which was very disappointing. Steven was very kind and let me check in earlier than 3pm. The location is very nice. The bed is very comfortable, but There is no way the bed was a Queen.

I was given no towels. I fortunately had some with me, but the common traveler does not carry their own towels. You share the bathroom with the other guests, singles de union city nj schools the living room and kitchen are shared amongst all five people.

The pictures provided shows one bedroom, but not the second bedroom. Upon arrival I noticed the room was pretty dirty. After being in the room for some time, I noticed the room was actually quite filthy. Not to mention the bottoms of my socks have seen much better days they were covered with so much dirt and hair belong to no one singles de union city nj schools there that I had to throw them out at singles de union city nj schools end of the day.

All the furniture is also very old and beaten up. Oh, and covered with dust. The only option is to stand in the kitchen, or eat off of the dusty coffee table in the living room.

This place is just okay.

singles de union city nj schools

The woman who lives here is nice, but is very passive aggressive, and creates new rules and signs every day it seems. The woman who lives here was very on top of cleaning the common space. She emptied garbages every other day, mopped and swept every few days, and constantly wiped down the counter.

However, it seems my room has been missed for several months. I would have given it a higher rating if we were not treated like children. Hostess dominated common areas. There were multiple loud domestic phone disputes in the living room. The singles de union city nj schools hoveredcleaning up after uswhen I was only making coffee, made sure we took our shoes off, and insisted we not eat in the bedroom which was difficult because she ate and feel asleep on the couch watching TV.

There was no dining area to use in order to accommodate her rule. Stephen is a wonderful host and a true gentleman who is so accommodating and generous with his time. His apartment is well appointed and spacious. The living room is relaxing and the bedroom is comfortable. This Airbnb has everything and is well located near a fast train to Manhattan.

Busca Bed and breakfasts en Union City con Airbnb. Descubre alojamientos enteros y habitaciones privadas, perfectos para cualquier viaje. Bed and breakfasts en Union City. Lugares para alojarse en Union City. Por favor leer la descripción completa del listado antes de contactar al anfitrión con preguntas Cómoda habitación privada localizada al lado de central park, literalmente a dos minutos caminando de uno de los parques mas famosos del mundo.

Lavandería y elevador en el edificio. Patio y cocina recién remodelada! En el apartamento vive uno de los anfitriones, lo que significa que el espacio siempre se mantiene limpio y acogedor. También tengo una habitación extra en el mismo apartamento que se podría rentar para para el resto del grupo.

Link a la habitación extra en mi perfil de airbnb. Vecindario vibrante y relajado en el norte-oeaste de Manhattan Upper West Side. A una cuadra del Central Park dos minutos caminando. Muy tranquilo para caminar y explorar. Be aware there are 4 rooms in total being rented out through Air bnb so do not expect to be totally alone Sofie T Which was uncomfortable Melissa T Por favor leer la descripción completa de la habitación y apartamento antes de contactar al anfitrión.

Caben dos personas por habitación. También tengo una habitación tamaño Queen en el mismo apartamento que también rento por Airbnb. Link en mi perfil. We had grate stay: Habitación Privada Cerca de Times Square!

Cute room for single traveler. Excelente ubicación y Sophie una excelente anfitriona. Tuvimos unas maravillosas vacaciones. Huge, spacious, fully furnished, neat room in lovely Astoria neighborhood. Half hour to Manhattan by N and W train. Todo bien, muy amable, singles de union city nj schools 4 cuadras de una estación de metro, pero olía mucho a cigarro, no había un cobija adicional Ana Singles de union city nj schools T Merci beaucoup An T Personal and Professional Development Programs Meetup.

For Seniors in Red Bank. Single Friends in Central New Jersey. Social Events for Young Professionals Walk-In Spiritual Healing Clinic. Zen Den Healthy Living Meetup. Ver todos mis grupos de Meetup. Ver Organizadores del grupo. Los miembros de este grupo también son parte de: Real Singles of Jersey 1. WTF are we going to do Y lo malo es que cada trayecto son 3 dólares asique es conveniente contar con este dato como gasto fijo para todos los que deseéis visitar NYC.

Joanna ha sido muy buena anfitriona y se ha preocupado mucho de que estuviéramos cómodos y que no nos faltara de nada. Cualquier duda que hemos tenido la hemos preguntado y ella nos ha contestado siempre en menos de 24 horas.

La verdad es que ha sido una persona muy atenta y cercana y estas singles de union city nj schools a día de hoy se agradecen bastante. Hemos pasado unas vacaciones increíbles!!! Gracias Joanna por ofrecernos tu casa!!! Nuestra habitación fue muy buena y cómoda, el baño siempre limpio, la cocina limpia y joanna deja cosas para desayunar y agua para tomar, siempre muy atenta.

Muy buena comunicación con ella, también nos ayudó al darnos indicaciones. El apartamento esta perfectamente ubicado, singles de union city nj schools un barrio muy seguro y por donde es confiable caminar.

Al llegar, el apartamento se encontraba completamente aseado y puedes encontrar en él todo lo necesario para preparar comida y muchos elementos de aseo. Joanna estuvo muy atenta a todo lo que necesitara y siempre dispuesta a colaborarme en todo. Tuvimos la fortuna de alojarnos en el hogar de Joana y Joel. Sólo tenemos palabras de agradecimiento a estas maravillosas personas. Nos abrieron las puertas de su casa y disfrutamos de una estadía inmejorable.

Nos encontramos con gente educada y dispuestos a ser unos maravillosos anfitriones. Nos brindaron toda la comodidad en un lugar excelentemente acondicionado. Llegamos a la casa de unos desconocidos y hoy sentimos que tenemos amigos en una ciudad tan lejana a nuestro pais. Si desean tener el mejor lugar para alojarse no deben dudar en visitarlos.

Gracias y hasta pronto estimados Joel y Joana. Es un buen lugar para su viaje a NYC. Es muy acogedor, limpio y bien tranquilo. Recomiendo utilizar la guagua 51 ya que pasa bien cerca del lugar. Su vecindario es muy tranquilo y limpio. Existen varias tiendas de conveniencia para comprar articulos de primera necesidad.

Su gente es muy amable sobre todo los gemelos de la tiendita!!!! Hay muy buenos sitios para comer y económicos como Noches de Colombia y Pizzeria Bergenline. Fue muy buena experiencia y volvería a repetirla! Unit is located on 4th floor and there is no elevator so you should be prepared to carry luggage by yourself. You can get to NYC in 15 mins. The apartment looks for the most part like the pictures, it's clean and what you can expect from an Airbnb that is just rented out.

One of those padlocks with a compartment in them. Missing essential kitchen appliances like scissors and oven mittens. During night and sometimes morning weird banging on metal kept us up. Probably the pipes but the first night we really thought singles de union city nj schools was climbing the fire ladder.

Buses change gates during night time and certain lines do not go on weekends. We tried to get a direct recommendation of buses that would be OK to take from the Host but did not get a response and as a result we ended up in an industrial area and singles de union city nj schools to walk for 35 min during middle of the night to get back.

Union city nj New Jersey, Mencanta la musica tomar bailar salir conocer nuevas personas. Talde Jersey City, Jersey City, NJ. Gratis Speed Dating Event | Singles Night | Presented by Speed Jersey Dating. ENE. Brett DiNovi & Associates: Mindful Mat - Elementary School Age Yoga Meditation and Yoga Studio, Jersey City, NJ.

Tip is to use the complimentary 30 min of Wifi access on the busterminal to use Hidden by Airbnb maps to get a bus that goes right. All in all we are content but it felt like the host had only friendly "Cut and paste" answers and did not really care about us. As a result we felt like a quick "cash in". Would not book again and it might be that we had bad luck with the snowstorm and that the host was busy but it does not change the outcome. The apartment is great! It just takes a short bus ride from Port Autorithy and a little walk to get to the apartment.

Augusto and Jasmily are very fast singles de union city nj schools their replies and are super helpful. Would totally recommend this place! Location is good for the price. Had some difficulty finding the location at first, but we were able to track down the private buses which were very useful throughout our stay.

We had some problems unlocking the building lock, and other times it was left unlocked all together. Augusto was available by phone to assist, and explained that this would be brought to the attention of the building manager.

The heat in the room is very high and unable to be adjusted, although this is a common problem in NYC. We slept with the window open which helped a lot.

El barrio es genial, se come muy bien en New Jersey. Gracias y hasta la próxima. A pesar de que al entrar al barrio no es una zona residencial, es tranquilo y seguro, adicionalmente hay una estación de policía en toda la esquina.

El servicio de transporte desde y hacia Manhattan es excelente. El anfitrión muy atento y cordial, siempre estuvo atento a cualquier inquietud. El departamento de Hermann es bueno pero para familia lo recomiendo para parejas o solo.

La ubicación no es mala pero tienes que sumar 6 dólares diarios al transporte. El edificio es viejo y tiene en la entrada un olor peculiar. La habitación es pequeña buen distribuida y con todo lo necesario para tu estancia. Estuvimos en dos alojamientos de Hermann. Los dos son tal como aparecen en la fotos. Esta ubicado muy cerca al transporte publico, se tarda maxino 15 minutos a Manhathan. Nos sentimos seguros en el barrio. Nuestra estadía en NY fue genial, el apartamento es muy cómodo, es a 15 minutos de Manhattan en bus y la zona es muy tranquila.

El anfitrión estuvo atento a cualquier necesidad. La atención y voluntad del anfitrión Adolfo para solucionar cualquier problema, ha sido inmejorable. Apartamento nuevo, muy buenos acabados.

Cerca de NY con autobuses continuos y muy bien localizado para ir a Jersey Gardens. Trato atento con Hermann y Mariel. Encuentra Alojamientos para reservar en Union City con Airbnb.

Descubre casas enteras y habitaciones privadas, perfectas para cualquier viaje. Alquileres vacacionales en Union City. Lugares para alojarse en Union City.

Brand new fully testy renovated, cozy, bright, clean 2 bedroom apt in Union City New Jersey. Easy singles de union city nj schools to stores restaurants and bus to NYC and Hoboken. Buses run 24 hours a day. It is easier and faster to commute into the City from Union City than commuting from Brooklyn or Queens.

If you were to stay in the Bronx it would take you 40 min to get to Times Square. If you were to Stay in Brooklyn it would take you the same amount of time as subways in Brooklyn are not direct. If you were to stay in Manhattan you would not find a place as big as this one for this price. There is a parking space in front of our house, serving guests from 3 apartments. Typical, safe metropolitan NYC area community. There is a lot of restaurants, groceries, bakeries around.

But it is also quiet at night. For anyone who want fast access to Manhattan and reasonable dwelling price, this is idea place to stay.

My place is good for couples, solo adventurers, and business travelers. The singles de union city nj schools is outstanding! Situated on a sought after residential street and only a stones throw away from all the magic Hoboken has to offer. The neighborhood is home to many fine restaurants and shops.

The Hoboken Cove and waterfront are two blocks away. Perfect for jogging, biking or taking in the the amazing view. Modern Chic Studio Apartment. Bright lighting, hard wood floors. Quiet residential streets just a few blocks from dining, shopping and NYC transportation. Muy bien comunicado con el centro. Lugar coqueto y agradable. Si volvemos repetiremos Alvaro T Uptown Chic in Hoboken. Large Studio Basement with Private: Fastest ride to Times Square from NJ.

Outdoor area to relax. Light sleepers may hear heating system or air conditioner. A family friendly space that offers both indoor and outdoor space to make the stay more enjoyable. Their is driveway parking available on the premises. Every comfort one would want is within a 1 minute walk.

Their are tips available on-site to make your stay more enjoyable. Family Friendly and host available to help with a great visit. Thank you for considering our place for your stay and adventure into New York City and the entire area. Enjoy the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple then wind down in a family friendly rural feel just a few minutes from the big apple OR simply enjoy breath-taking views of NY from the Weehawken water front.

Union City is a very lively neighborhood with a great mix of all Latino races, parks, many buses to NYC, movie theaters, etc.

singles de union city nj schools

Here are my local recommendations: Relación calidad-precio muy bueno Irene T Great Location with easy access to NYC. Shopping in our area is 3. Our space is very comfortable for 2 people. Nice new kitchen for your use. We take pride in keeping our apt very clean and comfortable for our guest. We have a laundry room on the premises, Free wi-fi, free breakfast, and a full kitchen. We are around when you need us otherwise we try our best to let you enjoy the space on your own.

NYC shuttle buses are singles de union city nj schools blks away and run into the city around the clock. You can also enjoy a Ferry across the Hudson. I like to keep maps,games and current activities going on in the area available for my guest to do. Volveriamos Del Carmen T Fully testy renovated, big, bright, clean 2 bedroom apt in Union City New Jersey.

singles de union city nj schools

Transportation to New York City is 0- 2 blocks away. It will take you 15 - 20 minutes to be directly in Times Square by a bus in most time except weekday rush hours. We had a great time. Entire space is included in this rental. Excelente alojamiento, limpio, todo accesible y seguro. Apartamento localizado a solo 15 a 20 minutos de viaje al centro de Manhattan. Vecindario tranquilo y seguro.

Nuestro vecindario es tranquilo y seguro. Estamos localizados justo al frente de Midtown Manhattan, al cruzar el río Hudson; el viaje de nuestra casa al centro de Manhattan demora de 15 a 20 minutos en bus. A unos minutos de camino se encuentra el conocido Boulevard East, un malecón que brinda vistas maravillosas de Manhattan. Apartamento MUY cerca de Manhattan. Private parking incl, All new everything. An Incredible Loft Space that sleeps 4 comfortably.

Beautiful design, designer furnishing, positive energy and vibe, nicely laid out, great for everything.

If your looking for a romantic getaway, a place to call home when coming to the NYC area or somewhere to wow your friends while your in town, this is it. Private Off Street Parking as well two spaces exclusively for your guest. The area is very residential with a plaza across the road.

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Lots of great restaurants in the area on Bergen Ave and surrounding streets. Super clean, and safe area. Stunning Manhattan views from this ultra luxurious, sq ft sanctuary with singles de union city nj schools ft terrace, wood burning fireplace just minutes to midtown Manhattan. Light refreshments and the Best Bloody Marys this side of the Hudson. Walking distance to restaurants, bars, shopping. Minutes to Manhattan and Met Life Stadium. Zodra je de bus of boot verbinding eenmaal hebt geprobeerd is het heen en weer reizen naar Midtown zeer eenvoudig Tom T Manhattan Luxury Minutes To Midtown.

Enjoy the beautiful New Jersey with all the comfort of a good hotel, but with the cozy feeling, only a home can provide. The private suite is also located close to several tourist sites and is 15 minutes from Manhattan.

The room has a comfortable and spacious Queen-size bed, with pillows, mattress, and linens of the best quality to provide you with amazing nights of sleep. When you arrive here, you will immediately feel comfortable and relaxed. This is a friendly, safe residential area located in North Bergen, New Jersey.

Need to do some laundry? Right down the street, there is a Laundromat. It is a private 2nd fl. Very few places can make that claim. The best part is the location, location, location!! The apartment accommodates seven people very comfortably. This spacious unit has 3 bedrooms each with a closet in every room. The apartment also has two television sets equipped with satellite service. One bedroom has a king size bed, another one with a queen size bed, and a third one with 2 twin beds that can be easily moved side by side if needed.

There is also a full bath, a kitchen equipped with a fridge, a stove, singles de union city nj schools a dining area. There is a sofa, and two other comfortable seats found inside the bedrooms.

Parking space is also available at no extra cost during your stay with us, making this a very singles de union city nj schools feature considering the area. Apartment is located on a quiet street in an urban and safe neighborhood close to everything. Beautiful one bedroom apt in union city new jersey Brand new fully renovated located just minutes from new York city. Apt is fully equip. Transportation to new York city is 3 blocks away, buses run 24 hours a day.

Brand new fully renovated located just minutes from new York city. Transportation to new York city is 2 blocks away, buses run 24 hours a day. The area is very safe. The apartment has 1 queen size bed in bedroom and a futon in the open living room. Inflatable bed also available. This apartment is totally independent and not shared with anyone. It will take you 10 minutes to be directly in Times Square!!! We are Located in a quiet and safe area in Union City, New Jersey away from Manhattan's noisy streets with bus stop around the corner from the house.

Can accommodate up to 4 People. The apartment is provided with: Believe it or NOT — it is possible to be outside of Manhattan and so close to it, yet it's true. Here are some facts about transportation: Apartment is 4 minutes 2 blocks from the central bus stop at post office. The jitney bus is very frequent, I rarely wait for it more than 2 to 3 minutes. Most of the time you won't even wait at all. You will get to the bus stop and a bus will be there.

You won't find a timetable or route on the internet for these buses, it's a private bus company that runs many lines in and out of Manhattan 6. Being an urban area, parking is tight. We will provide a visitor pass so you have the same privilege as residence. Muy buena ubicación y excelente comunicación con el anfitrión José T The studio is at walking distance from the best view of the New York City skyline. Private Studio Minutes to Times Square.

La ubicacion y el transporte a Manhattan espectacular Limpio Diego T NYC Midtown in 11 Minutes! For wee people only, low singles de union city nj schools Basement suite with a bdrm, bathroom and sitting area with a workspace. Best for people under 6 feet tall as ceilings are low. Near groceries and restaurants. Parking for a small car upon request. This is a small basement space with a full-size bathroom, bedroom and sitting area. The total size is approx sq ft.

There are two other units in the building, so some potential for some footstep noise from the upstairs apartment. Great for people that don't mind sleeping with earplugs and don't need a kitchen. Most importantly, if you are tall, this might not be comfortable! Best for people under 6 feet unless you want a banged up head. The little suite is next to a common laundry area, so it can sometimes get a bit busy in that area with laundry hampers, bags of laundry, etc.

Please excuse this untidy area as it's a working household! Gorgeous skyline views 10 minute walk away. Easy walk to get groceries, wine, pharmacy, and most importantly, the bus to Manhattan. Parking is available for one car so you don't have to spend time looking for parking. There is availability for 4 guests, if both rooms are available. Send a message and ask for availability if interested. Each room has a nice space where you will feel comfortable.

The bathroom, also with a nice space, is right next to the room. Kitchen and living room is available 1st floor, if you need to save any food, there is a fridge, if you need to singles de union city nj schools you have the kitchen for it. You'll be in Times Singles de union city nj schools, Midtown within minutes.

It doesn't matter will you stay with me or not! This is my home, but I do not use second floor. It is all yours I will sleep on lower floor!!!! It is a completely renovated, private 3 bedroom apartment just minutes from NYC. Everything is brand new in the apartment.

This is a working class neighborhood with families and kids. It is very safe and closer to Manhattan than Queens, Brooklyn or Harlem. I work in a restaurant and walk home alone every night late, never had problems. Queen size bed for 2 people II Guest Bedroom: Fully equipped, pots, pans, microwave, toaster, coffee machine, plates, glasses, soap, salt, paper, cooking oil etc. Bus stop to New York City is 2 blocks away. Any bus going to Manhattan can take you to Time Square in 15 minutes.

Same thing coming back. There is no other spot in the city where you see the whole Manhattan! Hoboken with bars, restaurants, clubs etc. Great place to have a party. A lot of local restaurants with free food delivery!

Supermarket is 10 min singles de union city nj schools. Area is very safe, I walk home late night after work. Great location Phil T Cerca del transporte a Manhattan a solo un bloque. Los autobuses pasan cada 5 mins. No deje de ver mi otro listado!!! Parada de autobus a 1 bloque de distancia. Los buses a Manhattan pasan cada 5 mins. Cable tv y WIFI gratis. SIn duda volveré Lu T Hemos disfrutado mucho con vosotros Un fuerte abrazo Julia T Buena ubicación para ir a manhattan!

Tienes todo lo que necesitas para tu estabcia. I recommend it Santiago T Our cool and comfortable room has a private entrance, very well located in a safe area close to Manhattan.

Just 15 minutes bus ride to Times Square and 15 minutes walking to the best panoramic view you can ever see of the city that never sleeps. Beautiful, quiete and comfortable room just 15 minutes or less bus ride from Times Square. Perfect for a couple or singles that want to be close to Manhattan without spend a fortune.

Very safe and convenient. Price includes wi-fi internet, 32 inches flat tv with cable, small refrigerator, air conditioner, comfortable orthopedic queen size bed, microwave and coffee maker.

We will provide you with clean towels, shampoo and soap like if you were in an hotel. Close to supermarket, restaurants and nice stores. The room has a private entrance. Few blocks from the Boulevard East best panoramic view of Manhattan.

The best way to arrive to our apartment is to get to Times Square or even to be more specific at 41st singles de union city nj schools and 8th ave, exactly 2 blocks from Times Square. From there you have multiple choice you can get the New Jersey Transit bus inside port authority and get off in Union City Nj 30th street and Bergenline ave and after walk 3 blocks to 27th street and Bergenline ave where the apt is locat it. Link to nyc subway map below: You need to get a Train to Newark Penn station less than five minutes ride and from there take the Nj transit bus number you can see the schedule below: Extremely safe neighborhood and very affordable compared to Manhattan prices.

Priv Room15 mins from Times Square. Bohemian, artsy, clean, chic, modern, light, airy, minimalist, professional. Large sunlit private bedroom with a private bath.

Apartment is modern, clean and chic. Most importantly, it's 10 minutes from Time Sqaure! Perfect for travelers trying to get to know NYC. White walls, bohemian throw rugs and fully functional modern kitchen.

Juice Bar in building lobby and grocery store across the street. Restaurants within walking distance. Everything you want and need is less than five minutes away walking. Thank you for letting us stay at your home Thomas T Affordable place close to the singles de union city nj schools Kari T This is my home and I would like to share my home with YOU.

When I have guest, I sleep on the lower floor. This is my home, I live here. I sleep on lower floor when I have guest. So you will have private entrance, private bathroom and the whole space. I keep my things new and nice. I work early mornings and late nights.

It is very safe area I walk every night. The area has very good connection with Manhattan. Bus stop is min walking from the house. The transportation works 24h and 7 days. The best view of Manhattan over the Hudson River. Many local restaurants with low prices. Any place delivers food. Supermarket 10 min walking. No need to sacrifice space or location anymore! Great thought has gone into all the details of this amazing community - from our incredible fitness center and yoga studio, to our movie room and virtual golf - we've thought of it all!

Some reviews of our three units from our guests: The unit had everything we needed for our stay including a washer and dryer. Would definitely love to stay here again! Simple check in and great communication throughout - can't recommend enough.

Our professionally managed community is right on the Hudson River and across from midtown Manhattan - the best combination of leisure and convenience. Take advantage of great restaurants and services just steps away: Enjoy incredible views of Manhattan and the Singles de union city nj schools River as our place puts you within reach of great shops, restaurants, the Lincoln Harbor Yacht Club and Marina, and parks. We are only 6 miles away from Met Life Stadium. Luxury at every turn!

Stones throw to NYC. My place is cozy, simple and clean, has rooftop balcony with manhattan view. Local store is 1 min walk. Please read all information about my place and how to commute here from airports. The space This is my home, I live here. I work early mornings. Renovated modern 2 bedroom apartment on a second floor of a small building in Union City, NJ. The neighborhood is very secure. Just 5 min walk you find supermarkets, wine stores, bakery, restaurants, dry cleaners, pizzeria, etc All to make your stay more pleasant.

The apartment is full equipped, one queen-sized bed, singles de union city nj schools bunkbed, one sofa bed, also a safe is provided, closets, small desk; the living room offers an open space concept with a lot of natural light. Kitchen with all the appliances. Bathrooms with a bathtub and towels, soap, hair dryer etc. Baby crib available request in advance is necessary.

The neighborhood is very safe, very clean. Transportation to most of the principal places to visit is spectacular, Just few min walk you will find the bus stop with busses that take you to NYC, in 15 min.

Also taxi, train, ferry to NYC have easy access from here. Adicional del excelente apartamento, tienen un bar debajo del mismo que es muy divertido. Anisleidy aunque no llegamos a verla,el trato por teléfono fue exquisito, siempre atenta a cualquier duda o pregunta que le hacíamos Jose T La casa è accogliente e pulita.

Many Union City residents are pleasantly hospitable and great hosts to good strangers, unfortunately not our Mayor. We invite you to keep coming and enjoy our safe city thanks not only to our Mayor. My place makes all feel at home. Thanks for accepting my friendship. I invite you to come to stay in my own home or city for one or more days.

The following will help you: Apps just help us meet. My property is private and does not belong to the mayor of Union City. My home is only 11 miles from Newark airport.

My home is between Newark airport and Manhattan. I am a natural innovator, before you board an airplane write with a marker on the inside of your luggage your name and contact information. You may insert an information card inside the luggage but it can get lost too. If your luggage has no contact information they will auction it off. My home is not in Manhattan but 4.

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